Ada yang mengatakan dengan kemenangan Bush bagi penggal kedua selaku Presiden Amerika Syarikat menandakan rakyat AS secara majoriti menyokong tindakan penaklukan tentera AS di Iraq. Bermakna Bush berjaya meyakinkan rakyatnya bahawa peperangan dan penaklukan Iraq perlu demi mengelakkan peperangan tiba ke pantai AS melalui gelombang rangkaian keganasan.
Apa pun kalau kita teliti mentaliti rakyat AS rata-rata telah banyka memihak kepada Bush samada kita setuju ataupun tidak. Malah kalau kita perhatikan peperangan di Iraq dilihat sebagai suatu perang "jihad" bagi mereka khususnya para penganut Kristian. Bush sendiri melihat dirinya sebagai penyelamat, dan perang di Iraq dan Afhganistan perlu bagi menyelamatkan dunia dari keganasan Islam.

Saya berkesempatan mengunjungi sato blog iaitu A SOLDIERS BLOG di . Blog ini membuktikan bagi rakyat AS yang beragama Kristian peperangan di Iraq dan Afghanistan adalah peperangan suci mereka. Seorang penulis di BLOG berkenaan mencatakan:
I chose a prayer from Psalms that I have recited to all of my soldiers, and I pray for their safety in the event things don't turn out as well as I hope. I have put it on the bottom of the page so you can read it. This will test all my abilities as a person and as a leader, I know I am ready. This will not be like the everyday combat that goes on here, the rules of engagement are clear, anyone left in the city is a terrorist.
Mereka memetik ayat dari Bible bagi menyatakan betapa peperangan menentang umat Islam ini adalah peperangan puak baik menetang yang jahat:
From a hero approaching Falluja
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.He follows me through the green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul.He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.Even though I walk through the valley of the shadowof death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;your comfort and love, they protect me.You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Demikianlah sebenarnya sikap tentera AS terhadap rakyat di Iraq dan juga sudah pasti di Afghanistan. Umat Islam adalah pengganas tidak kira samada mereka benar-benar pengganas ataupun seagama dengan mana-mana pengganas. Lantaran itu saya terpanggil untuk mencatakan sesuatu dalam BLOG mereka. Berikut adalah nota saya dan respon berikutnya dari seorang rakyat AS yang anti-perang:
God be with all of our soldiers and please bring our loved ones home safe!MJ Email Homepage 11.11.04 - 12:31 am #
God be with the innocent women and children of Fallujah. God please protect the innocent in Fallujah from the guns of those so called fighting for liberty and freedom roslan sms Email Homepage 11.11.04 - 12:54 am #
On this Veteran's day it would seem especially poignant for each American to ask themselves why we are in Iraq. And to not repeat the Administration's mantra that "if we don't fight them there, we'll be fighting them on our streets". And that we're fighting for our freedom. That has the be the biggest load of crap anyone could utter. This country's streets are already bloody enough with US blood. Think, use your analytical powers, and ask yourself, why would any right thinking terrorist want to fight on the streets in the US? Empty propaganda, repeated like gospel by any US soldier who faces death on a daily basis in the hell of our own making. Understandable that faced with those circumstances one would turn to a supreme being. Just remember, your opponent believes the same thing...just uses different terms...dirtman Email Homepage 11.11.04 - 10:38 am #
Ya Allah Selamatkanlah Para Pejuang Islam Yang Berjuang Ikhlas Menegakkan Agama Mu Di mana sahaja mereka berada.
Ya Allah hancurkanlah musuh Mu dan musuh umat Islam Di mana sahaja mereka berada.
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