Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Apabila pemimpin melanggar arus (22/10/13)

Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan yang berlalu baru-baru ini benar-benar menggusarkan beberapa pihak ekoran berlaku kejadian dimana seorang anggota BBC telah menyerang pentadbiran Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
Tindakan sedemikian mungkin dianggap sesetengah pihak sebagai teguran dalam semangat demokrasi, tetapi amalan demokrasi juga meletakkan apabila anggota satu blok bangkit mengkritik bloknya sendiri, ia dianggap keluar “rank” dan sesuatu yang tidak normal.

Kalau berkaitan adab dan disiplin parti pula ia boleh dikira melanggarnya.
Sesungguhnya sebagai anggota BBC kita punya saluran menegur dan mengeluarkan pandangan dalam forum yang berlainan, tetapi ADUN berkenaan memilih untuk meraih populariti lantaran “live” perjalanan dewan dan ramainya pemberita yang hadir (kebetulan TV3 kemudiannya memberi ruang percuma kepada ADUN berkenaan pada hari itu).

(Terusik hati saya apbila menonton rakaman persidangan itu apabila giliran YAB MB menggulung perbahasan, ADUN berkenaan bangkit mencelah mohon penjelasan, apabila MB bangkit menjelaskan beliau melambaikan tangannya beberapa kali mengisyaratkan MB agar duduk kerana beliau mahu berhujah lagi, begitukah adab orang PAS?!)

Kali terakhir PAS bertindak terhadap pemimpin kanannya adalah apabila Dato Dr Hassan Ali dibawa ke pengadilan parti dan akhirnya dipecat apabila memilih untuk melanggar arus sedemikian. Mungkin sama mungkin tak sama derasnya perlanggaran itu, apa pun ia wajar diteliti dan disiasat.
Perkembangan yang dilaporkan oleh NST hari ini jika benar memang wajar sangat:

INSUBORDINATION ISSUE: VP draws flak over 'attacks' on Kelantan govt
KUALA LUMPUR: THINGS are not looking well for Pas vice-president Datuk Husam Musa, who is expected to be hauled up before the party's leadership after his outburst concerning the Kelantan government administration.

A source said Husam had been told to explain his actions, at a meeting scheduled at 2pm at the Kelantan menteri besar's official residence in Kota Baru today.
The source added that the party leadership considered Husam's conduct as insubordination for openly criticising the party at the state assembly.

Husam, the source said, would be facing Pas' management council (Dewan Harian Pas), chaired by party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and the Kelantan Pas political bureau (Lajnah Politik), chaired by Pas spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.
Husam's action of breaking ranks at a state assembly proceeding is unprecedented in the 23 years of Pas rule in Kelantan.

On Oct 8, Husam had slammed the Kelantan government for the poor management of Syarikat Air Kelantan Sdn Bhd, approval of 1,400ha in the Ulu Sat permanent forest reserve, Machang, the termination of contract of a South Korean construction company and the implementation of syariah.
The Pas central committee held a meeting on Oct 10, chaired by the party president.

One of the issues raised was the belligerent nature of a Pas assemblyman (Husam is Salor assemblyman), who dissented against his party and acted as if he was the opposition leader (at the state assembly).
The source said: "What was said was tantamount to attacking the state government and menteri besar."

The source added that Husam tried to respond to the allegations but was stopped by Pas leaders, who felt it was unfair for him to provide explanation in the absence of a party representative from Kelantan.
"It is the party's procedure to have a state representative at the meeting when addressing an issue that cropped up in a particular state. The party is being fair to Husam."

If it is decided that the case would be referred to the disciplinary committee, Husam, who is known to be at odds with the Kelantan administration after he was dropped as a state executive councillor, is liable to be suspended from the party if found guilty.
Another party insider said the Pas central committee had the authority to mete out punishment against Husam, superseding the party's disciplinary committee as the case involved a high-ranking party leader.

"If that happens, Husam can only appeal against the decision with the Pas Syura council."
(Sekali lagi kita perhatikan betapa banyaknya maklumat “dalaman” parti diketahui oleh media. Banyak sungguh lubang dan kebocoran di Pejabat Agung PAS!)


1 comment:

  1. Kenapa bila pemimpin PAS mewar2kan kepincangan pegurusan dia di katakan melawan arus dan tidak normal?

    Tapi bila pemimpin UMNO yang melawan arus dia dikatakan hero? Dan bila Pemimpin UMNO tidak berani mengkritik pemimpin dia dikatakan pengecut??

    Double Standard Bro?

    CUba ke Kelantan ... lihat kelemahan di sana ...

    Saya berkahwin dengan orang Kelantan ... hari pertama saya menjejakkan kaki di sana di hari perkahwinan saya masalah air berlaku ...

    Hari ini anak saya sudah berusia 6 tahun ... masalah air tetap berlaku setiap kali pulang ke Kelantan ...

    nak tunggu anak saya 16 tahun baru nak selesai?
