Friday, June 08, 2012

Tahniah Senator Syed Shahir (8/6/12)

Pada hari Jumaat yang penuh barakah ini sahabat baik saya Tuan Syed Shahir bin Syed Mohamud, mantan Presiden MTUC, selamat mengangkat sumpah sebagai Ahli Dewan Negara atau Senator mewakili kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang.
Saya merasakan perlantikan ini amat wajar dan kena pada orangnya memandangkan Tuan Syed yang saya kenali adalah merupakan seorang pemimpin dan pejuang rakyat yang amat istiqomah, berkaliber dan berwibawa.

Beliau seorang yang tegas tetapi sangat tajam dalam berfikir dan membuat keputusan. Secara peribadinya seorang yang sangat baik hati dan menghormati serta menghargai sumbangan dan jasa kawan-kawan.
Saya doakan semoga beliau diberikan kekuatan oleh Allah swt untuk menjalankan amanah barunya ini dan diberikan keupayaan untuk melaksanakannya dengan baik dan tekun.

Tahniah YB Senator Tuan Syed Shahir.

* foto (atas) YB Tuan Syed segak mengangkat sumpah di Dewan Negara pagi tadi (ikhsan dee)

** terkini The Star online:


KUALA LUMPUR: Pahang MCA Wanita chief Datuk Lim Nget Yoon was one of five first-time Senators sworn in at Parliament on Friday.

Lim, 56, is also MCA Wanita deputy organising secretary and has been a Raub District Council member since 2000.

The otheres were Marang Umno Wanita chief Toh Puan Zaitun Mat Amin, 55, Bentong Umno Wanita chief Roslin Abdul Rahman, 52, National Union of Transport Equipment and Allied Industries Workers executive secretary Syed Shahir Syed Mohamud, 60 and Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia lecturer Dr. Ariffin S.M. Omar, 62.

The Senators were sworn in before Senate president Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang for a term of three years.

Dr Ariffin, and Syed Shahir were selected after Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng tabled a motion in the state assembly to replace former senators Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim and Datuk Mustafa Kamal Mohd Yusoff whose terms ended on May 30.

Met by reporters after the ceremony, Syed Shahir said he and his colleagues would continue to highlight worker-related issues in the country.

Syed Shahir, who is Kelana Jaya Parti Keadilan Rakyat branch chief, was appointed on the basis of his experience as an activist in the Malaysian Trade Union Congress since 1977.

Meanwhile, Zaitun said she was grateful to the government for having faith in her and promised to be more active in voicing the opinions of women in the Senate.

"A Senator's job is not to be taken lightly as we have been entrusted with the responsibility of defending the peoples' well being. I will work towards this, especially in ensuring the rights of women are protected ," she emphasised.

Apart from holding the post of Terengganu Umno wanita treasurer, the native of Kampung Atas Tol, Kuala Terengganu is also active in various community activities and has been awarded the 2005 'Belia Wanita' title.

In his speech, Abu Zahar urged the Senators to work towards understanding, appreciating, defending and upholding the Federal Constitution.

He also advised them to never disobey the oath they had taken as it was of utmost importance for the good of the people. - Bernama

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