Thursday, January 01, 2009

YB Abdul Wahid Endut, calon PAS Kuala Terengganu

Akhirnya calon PAS untuk pilihan raya kecil parlimen Kuala Terengganu telah pun diisytiharkan. Beliau adalah seorang yang berpengalaman, disenangi oleh pimpinan PAS negeri, ahli-ahli dan pengundi di Kuala Terengganu. Beliau tidak ditonjolkan atau menonjol sebagai calon terkanan sebelum ini tetapi ternyata beliau pilihan yang tepat untuk berhadapan dengan Senator Wan Farid dari Umno/BN.

Beliau yang dimaksudkan adalah ADUN Wakaf Mempelam, bekas EXCO kerajaan negeri Terengganu ketika PAS memerintah iaitu Sdr Abdul Wahid Endut.

Abdul Wahid, 52 tahun adalah ADUN sejak lima penggal, lulusan UPM dalam bidang perikanan dan sains marin. Beliau memiliki rekod yang cemerlang samada sebagai ADUN atau EXCO selama sepenggal dan sebagai ADUN pembangkang. Hubungan beliau dengan rakyat baik dan begitu juga dengan kakitangan kerajaan, media dan ahli-ahli parti. Ada yang mengumpamakan Wahid sebagai anak didik Pesuruhjaya PAS Terengganu, Dato Mustapha Ali kerana kerusi Wakaf Mempelam yang beliau wakili kini adalah kerusi yang dimemanangi oleh Mustapha ketika PAS melakukan “comeback” di Terengganu pada tahun 1982.

Apa pun ternyata pemilihan Wahid ini menamatkan segala spekulasi dan menurut maklumat yang diterima segala bacaan Umno dan BN tersasar dan kini mereka berhadapan dengan seorang yang berkaliber, tidak kontroversial dan pasti memiliki rekod yang jauh lebih baik dari calon mereka sendiri.

Tahniah YB, tahniah PAS Terengganu mudah-mudahan dengan kerja kuat semua pihak dan bantuan Allah swt, kerusi Kuala Terngganu akan jatuh ke tangan PAS/ Pakatan Rakyat.

Berikut adalah artikel dari NST berkenaan YB Wahid yang pernah terbit pada 15 November lalu:

Know your State Rep: It's about willingness to work with others

KUALA TERENGGANU: No man is an island. This is one of the first lessons that Wakaf Mempelam state assemblyman Abdul Wahid Endut learnt when he got involved in politics about 30 years ago.

The 52-year-old five-term elected representative has managed to survive in politics because he believes in working with others."Early in my first term as an assemblyman, I learned that you need people to help you. You need a good team. "As I'm overseeing a constituency with 99 villages, I set up a network to keep me updated on the latest happenings, like deaths, the welfare of villagers, or a tragedy in my constituency."My wife is also an integral part of my team, helping me with women's affairs," he told the New Straits Times.
Wahid counts himself lucky because he has served with both the government and the opposition.In the opposition, he learnt to be independent as it was difficult, at times, to get help from the Barisan Nasional state government.Things got a lot easier when Pas ruled Terengganu, from 1999 to 2004. "When I was part of the government I got to know the officers and built contacts. Now, even though I am in the opposition, if there is anything I need to know, I know who to contact," the former state entrepreneur development, consumer, youth and small medium enterprises committee chairman said. Good public relations is one of Wahid's strengths.

Compared to some of his political compatriots who are known for name-calling and hitting opponents below the belt, Wahid stands in stark contrast.He receives media representatives warmly, despite the tendency among opposition politicians to distrust the mainstream media.He stays out of the skirmishes between BN and the opposition in the state assembly.Wahid makes it a point to visit all 60 mosques in his constituency to meet constituents and join them in the Friday prayers.But despite spending more then 16 years in the political arena, the former Universiti Pertanian Malaysia fisheries and marine science graduate said there was always something new to learn every day.

"My job gets easier with time as the experience makes me more mature. This is the kind of experience you don't obtain from university. And that (the experience) helps a lot," Wahid enjoys the sense of satisfaction that he gets from helping people."At times we can't contribute much, but it is good to know that we are helping to ease their burden a little."As long as we help without fear or favour. In the end it is not about the colour of the flag (political alliance), but the individual."


  1. Setelah BN mendahului PAS dalam mengumumkan calonnya, sedikit kegusaran dalam diri berkenaan dengan kesungguhan PAS dalam menawan kembali P036. Namun setelah Tn Hj Abd Wahid diumumkan sebagai calon, ternyata PAS menunjukkan komitmennya untuk menawan kembali K.Terengganu. Track record yang dimiliki oleh ABD Wahid ditambah dengan 'bala tentera' yang bekerja ikhlas kerna Allah, mampu menzahirkan kemenangan PAS. InsyaALLAH

  2. Allahuakbar! satu jawapan kepada persoalan yg sgt tepat dr TGHH. dia bukan mat sabu, bukan syed azman, bukan mustapa ali, dia adelah Wahid endut..seorg yg berjuang seolah pendekar tanpa nama..tidak dikenali di peringkat nasional, tp sgt terkenal d terengganu.. punyai track record yg sgt baik sbg ADUN dan juga exco sepenggal..aku yakin, jentera BN tdk pernah nk selidik siapa wahid endut..mrk slama ni duk menyelidik kelemahan syed azman, mat sabu n mustapa ali.. alhamdulilah, ALlah beri hidayah kpd TGHH utk amik Wahid Endut.. sbg rakyat terengganu,sy sgt berbangga..

    Tahniah PAS.. masa utk berjuang. Allahuakbar!!
