Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ya Allah selamatkan saudara-saudara kami di Palestin

Disaat saya menulis posting ini regim haram zionis Israel masih lagi berkeras kepala melancarkan serangan udara mereka ke atas bumi Gaza yang ditadbir oleh HAMAS di Palestin. Terbaru setakat ini menurut agensi berita antarabangsa lebih 225 orang telah syahid dan beratus-ratus lagi cedera dan musnah sama-sekali tempat tinggal mereka.

Bom dan peluru berpandu dilancarkan ke atas bumi yang sesak dan padat dengan penduduk. Rakyat Palestin di Gaza kini disekat dari pelbagai penjuru, makanan kurang, bahanapi kurang, ekonomi tidak menentu, dan dalam keadaan begitu binatang bernama regim zionis ini dengan senang hati menggunakan teknologi dan kekuatan ketenteraan mereka memusnahkan saudara-saudara kita yang lemah dan tidak berdosa itu.

Maghrib tadi kita telah memasuki ke tahun Hijrah yang baru, mengingati betapa Rasulullah saw dan para sahabat bersusah-payah berkorban menyeberangi bahang padang pasir, meninggalkan Makkah menuju Madinah dan akhirnya menegakkan Daulah Islamiyah yang pertama, itu 1430 tahun yang lalu. Tetapi hari ini segala yang ditegakkan oleh Baginda kita biarkan begitu sahaja, darah umat yang dicintai Rasulullah saw itu kita biarkan tertitis dan tertumpah ke bumi tanpa pembelaan, malah seolah kita tidak berupaya melakukan apa-apa, cuma menjadi penonton yang bisu dan bacul.

Regim haram ini bagaikan mencabar umat Islam, ya disambutan Awal Muharam kamu, kami musnahkan dan bunuh saudara-saudara kamu, apa yang boleh kamu lakukan? Kamu mungkin ramai, kaya tetapi kekuatan kamu itu tidak mampu mengusik kami walau sehelai rambut kami!

Saya sendiri yang menulis ini sekadar boleh melayan luapan darah panas dalam tubuh melihatkan kedurjanaan ini berlaku, tetapi apakah yang boleh kita lakukan terhadap bangsa jahanam ini?

Mudah-mudahan Allah swt menggerakkan hati pemimpin-pemimpin negara-negara Islam agar bersatu, mengenepikan perbezaan dan perbalahan, menumpukan sepenuh kekuatan, membela saudara-saudara kita di Palestin dan mengajar regim haram ini. Mudah-mudahan Allah swt memberikan kekuatan kepada saudara-sauadara kita yang dizalimi itu, lindungi mereka, pelihara mereka.

Subuh nanti bacakan qunut nazilah dan terus bacakan saban hari sehingga hancur musnah musuh-musuh Allah ini:

Ya Allah,Sesungguhnya kami meletakkan-Mu di batang-batang leher musuh2 kami Dan kami berlindung dengan-Mu daripada kejahatan2 mereka

Ya Allah,Leburkanlah kumpulan2 mereka Pecah belahkan dan kacau bilaukan persatuan mereka.Goncangkan pendirian mereka Dan hantarkanlah anjing2 kamu kepada mereka.

Wahai Tuhan Yang Gagah Perkasa. Wahai Tuhan Yang Penuh Raksasa Wahai Tuhan Yang Bersifat Murka.

Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Wahai Tuhan yang menurunkan kitab, Wahai Tuhan yang mengarakkan awan Wahai Tuhan yang menewaskan bala tentera al-ahzab, kalahkan mereka. Kalahkan mereka Kalahkan mereka Dan menangkan kami ke atas mereka.


  1. kejam punya yahudi

  2. Jazakallahhukhairan Akhi Roslan for highlighting the plight of our Brothers and Sisters in Gaza.As mentioned by the Palestinian leader they will fight on and we Muslims only kneel before ALLAH SWT.

  3. Gaza toll nears 300 amid new raids
    Last update: Today at 15:15 Djokhar time
    Publication time: Today at 09:56 Djokhar time

    Palestinian medics say that more than 280 people have been killed and more than 600 injured in the continuing Israeli bombardment of the impoverished Gaza Strip.

    A police station and a factory were among the targets reportedly hit on Sunday, after a mosque and the headquarters of al-Aqsa television had been struck overnight.

    The Reuters news agency reported that at least one missile hit the offices of Ismail Haniya, the Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip, but he was not in the building at the time.

    The latest attacks came as Ehud Barak, Israel's defence minister, warned that the air raids could be followed by a major ground incursion into the Gaza Strip.

    "We are ready for anything. If it's necessary to deploy ground forces to defend our citizens, we will do so," Barak's spokesman quoted him as saying on Sunday.

    Israeli television has reported that hundreds of infantry and armoured forces were massing on the border of the territory and on Sunday it began to call up reservists to bolster its fighting strength.

    UN call

    The United Nations Security Council urged an immediate halt to all military activities in the Gaza Strip and called for the humanitarian crisis faced by Gaza's 1.5 million residents to be addressed.

    Neven Jurica, Croatia's ambassador to the UN and president of the council, read out a non-binding statement on behalf of the 15-member body that called on the parties involved in the conflict "to stop immediately all military activities". The statement, however, did not mention either Israel or Hamas by name.

    More than 230 targets have been hit with missiles fired from helicopter gunships and fighter jets since Israel launched Operation Cast Lead on Saturday, an Israeli military spokeswoman said.

    "They include Hamas infrastructure like buildings, arms depots and rocket-launching zones," she said.

    On Sunday, Israeli police said a Palestinian missile had hit near the town of Ashdod, more than 30km from the Gaza Strip. The attack would be the furthest inside Israel yet.

    Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland, reporting from Jerusalem, said that Israeli authorities were anticipating an increase in Palestinian rocket attacks.

    "The home-front defence has drawn up action plans for people living within 30km of the Gaza Strip, people living in those areas have strict instructions to stay within range of a bomb shelter and not to gather outdoors in large groups," she said.

    "Some defence officials are anticipating that up to 200 rockets a day could be fired from Gaza."

    At least one Israeli was killed and six others wounded in retaliatory missile attacks by Palestinian fighters on Saturday.

    'Bloodiest bloodbath'

    Mustafa Barghouthi, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, rejected the Israeli government's claims that the air raids were in self-defence.

    "This is a bloodbath, the bloodiest bloodbath since 1967," he told Al Jazeera. "This is an attack on the civilian population of Gaza."

    "They try to claim that this was done as a response to missiles, but they are denying the fact that the whole year not a single Israeli was killed by missiles. The first Israeli killed was only because of the Israeli invasion, the Israeli attack."

    Many of the dead in Saturday's attacks were police officers, including Tawfiq Jabber, the Gaza chief of police.

    Ofir Gendelman, a spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry, suggested that casualty figures put forward by the Palestinians were misleading and insisted that only Hamas targets had been hit.

    "Hamas is using figures to attract public attention, media attention and for propaganda purposes," he told Al Jazeera.

    "At the end of the day we are attacking Hamas strongholds ... No civilian targets are hit, it is very unfortunate that some civilians will be hit."

    Hamas blamed

    Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president and leader of the rival Fatah group, blamed Hamas for the violence.

    "We talked to them [Hamas] and we told them 'please, we ask you, do not end the truce. Let the truce continue and not stop' so that we could have avoided what happened," he said after talks with his Egyptian counterpart on Sunday.

    A six-month truce between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip ended on December 19.

    Hospitals, already suffering from shortages due to an 18-month blockade on the Gaza Strip, said they were struggling to cope with the number of injured, which includes women and children.

    One of the buildings hit on Sunday was reportedly a warehouse used to supply local pharmacies with medicines.

    "This is going to make us unable to supply any of the local families that depend on us," Dr Hussam Abu Hashem, the owner, told local Hamas radio. "It's a war against human beings."

  4. Mesir dan Saudi sokong Yahudi ambil tindakan atas Palestin (HAMAS)?????
    Mungkin FATAH????????Na'uzubilla....
