Monday, October 09, 2006


Tomorrow is a public holiday in Selangor, much to the envy of friends in KL. The occasion is Nuzul Quran or the day that the Holy Quran was brought down by the angel Gabriel to be taught and later preached by Muhammad pbuh.

Some say ironically the Holy Quran is only recognized in Selangor and not KL, perhaps it was never meant for those in KL.

For those with much free time, it would be interesting if you drop by and log into WTV8 where, Pak Said Zahari, former Utusan Melayu Chief Editor (who was once detained for 17 long years by the Singaporean authorities under the ISA) shares his experience and knowledge of the Singaporean Jedi Master: Lee Kuan Yew.

Go to WTV8

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