Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sahih: YB BN Pengkalan Pasir Wakil Pos bukan Wakil Rakyat

Menang kalah dalam pertandingan memanglah adat. Nama pun pertandingan maka pasti ada yang menang dan ada yang kalah.

Tengahari tadi sebagaimana yang diisytiharkan oleh pihak SPR setelah dilakukan proses pengiraan semula undi, calon BN disahkan menang mengalahkan calon PAS dan Bebas. Hanafi Mamat dari Umno memperolehi 7422 undi, berbanding calon PAS Hanafiah Ahmad 7288 manakala Dato Ibrahim Ali, Bebas 415 undi. Bermakna calon BN menang dengan kelebihan 134 undi. (Semasa pengiraan semalam calon BN menang dengan kelebihan 129 undi).

Tahniah WAKIL POS Pengkalan Pasir

Menurut keputusan terperinci peti-peti undi pada malam semalam dari 39 peti undi yang melibatkan 15 050 pengundi yang keluar mengundi, tak termasuk UNDI POS, calon PAS menang di 22 peti undi. Manakala calon BN menang di baki 17 peti undi. Calon Bebas kalah disemua peti undi.

Sila perhatikan berikut adalah keputusan malam tadi:

Undi untuk calon PAS : 7 275
Undi untuk calon BN : 7 269
Undi untuk BEBAS : 410
Rosak : 96
PAS menang kelebihan 6 undi!

Manakala berikut adalah keputusan bagi UNDI POS:

BN : 150
PAS : 15
Bebas : 4

Bermakna apabila dijumlah UNDI POS ini maka keputusannya:

BN menang dengan majoriti 129 undi!

Ini menunjukkan rakyat di Pengkalan Pasir kecuali para PENGUNDI POS yang terdiri dari kakitangan pasukan keselamatan (khasnya pihak Polis) dan keluarga mereka, sebenarnya telah memenangkan calon PAS. Akan tetapi yang memenangkan calon BN adalah apabila UNDI POS ini yang dilakukan secara tertutup, diambil kira.

Itu satu penemuan. Yang keduanya menurut catatan jumlah PENGUNDI POS yang berdaftar adalah 195 orang. Tetapi jumlah yang keluar mengundi adalah 212 orang atau 108.72 peratus! Dari mana datang 17 orang tambahan ini (di Balai Polis pun ada hantu ke?)

Yang ketiga kalau diperhatikan jumlah undi yang rosak dari 39 peti undi awam adalah cuma sebanyak 96 undi sahaja . Bermakna secara hitung-panjang/ average undi dari peti undi awam yang rosak adalah sebanyak kira-kira 2.59 undi setiap peti.

Perhatikan betul-betul, percayakah anda dari 212 PENGUNDI POS yang keluar mengundi (+17 hantu!) sebanyak 43 undi rosak?!! Bermakna 20.28 peratus dari UNDI POS telah rosak (atau barangkali dirosakkan?!).

Penemuan ini sungguh membimbangkan. Takkanlah orang awam lebih cerdik mengundi dari anggota dan kakitangan Polis (maaf saya bukan bermaksud menghina pihak Polis, saya sendiri anak bekas pegawai kanan polis). Penemuan ini membangkitkan seribu-satu persoalan dan syak wasangka.

Saya difahamkan pihak guaman dari PAS sedang mengkaji secara teliti perkembangan yang penuh membimbangkan ini.

Ringkasnya calon BN jelas menang hanya dengan bantuan UNDI POS. Bermakna kalau layaklah diberi galaran kepada YB BN yang baru ini maka yang cocoknya gelaran beliau bukanlah WAKIL RAKYAT tetapi WAKIL POS.

Pihak SPR perlu bertanggugnjawab penuh dalam hal ini!

Its the WAKIL POS and not WAKIL RAKYAT for the newly elected BN YB of Pengkalan Pasir

There are bound to be winners and losers in any contest.

This afternoon the Election Commission officially announced the final results shortly after completing the recount process. The BN candidate officially won defeating both the PAS and Independent candidates. Hanafi Mamat from Umno secured 7 422 votes, as to 7 288 of PASs Hanafiah Ahmad and 415 secured by Dato Ibrahim Ali who stood as an Independent.

Therefore the BN candidate clinched the seat with a weak 134 vote majority. (During the counting process yesterday BN won with a 129 majority).

According to the detail results of last nights counting, from 39 ballot streams that collected 15 050 votes, not inclusive of POSTAL BALLOTS, the PAS candidate actually won in 22 streams. Meanwhile the BN candidate only won in the remaining 17. The independent candidate however lost in all.

Following are last nights results:

PAS candidate : 7 272
BN candidate : 7 269
Independent : 410
Spoilt : 96
MAJORITY : PAS won with 6 votes difference.

And following are the results of the POSTAL BALLOTS:
BN : 150
PAS : 15
Ind : 4

Therefore if the POSTAL VOTES are taken into account, the results would be:

BN won with 129 vote majority!

This shows that the Pengkalan Pasir voters except for the POSTAL BALLOT VOTERS (consisting of police personnel and their spouses), actually stood by the PAS candidate. It was the POSTAL VOTERS, who voted discreetly that gave BN their much needed victory.

This is one finding. Secondly according to last nights records, the total registered POSTAL VOTERS are 195. However, amazingly, 212 or 108.72 percent came out to vote! Where did the additional 17 voters came from (are there also phantoms in the police station?)

Thirdly if we scrutinize the spoilt votes, we would find that there are only 96 spolit votes from the 39 voting streams involving members of the public. On average there are 2.59 spoilt votes from each and every stream.

Amazingly, from the 212 POSTAL VOTERS that came out to vote (including the additional 17 phantom voters) there were 43 spoilt votes?!! Meaning 20.28 percent of the POSTAL VOTES were spoilt (or purposely spoilt?!!)

These findings are most alarming. Would it be fair to say that the voters at large are smarter than police personnel and their spouses (sorry I don’t intend to belittle the police force as my father was also once a very senior police officer). These findings will only trigger suspicion and question the credibility of those responsible.

I was told that the legal experts in PAS are closely studying this most unbecoming development.

In short the BN candidate won on the weight of the POSTAL BALLOT. It is only fair therefore that he be accorded the title of POSTAL REPRESENTATIVE instead of REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE, as normally accorded to MPs and State Assemblymen in the country.

The election commission will have to be responsible for this appalling debacle!

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