Saturday, December 31, 2005

Kes Mohammad a.k.a Moorthy:
Satu penjelasan

(Berikut saya siarkan jawapan saya dalam ruangan komen terhadap komen-komen yang diberikan oleh pengunjung BLOG ini terhadap artikel saya: Menyingkap pegangan Islam Allahyarham Mohammad bin Abdullah)


Terima kasih Chez1978, Amit, Pak Ngah dan lain-lain for your comments.

Chez1978 menulis:

Saya berasa kecewa kerana Roslan berpendapat pintu untuk keadilan menerusi mahkamah wajar ditutup serapat-rapatnya.

As far as I can remember, I believe I did not imply such a statement. (Being a law abiding Malaysian I believe each and every individual should be accorded a right to be heard be they a Muslim or otherwise)

Mungkin itulah bacaan sdr dari tulisan saya berkenaan isu Moorthy ini, tak mengapalah.

Sebagai seorang Muslim seperti sdr dan yang lain-lain saya juga mahu Islam dilihat sebagai satu agama yang berupaya ACCOMMODATE dan memberikan keadilan kepada semua sebagaimana asalnya ketika dibawa oleh junjungan kita Baginda Rasulullah saw.

Islam itu hakikatnya adil.

For your information that was what Hj Muhammad Burok, representing the Persatuan Peguam Syarie said in the court the other day (but was not reported in the press)

The AG and JAWI lawyers made a mistake when they mentioned before Judge Datuk Raus that Kaliammal has no remedy in the syariah courts. (This of course was blown up by the English papers and particularly our fellow Malaysian brothers in the net)

Hj Muhammad corrected the faux pas and mentioned that in this case Kalimmmal has every right to contest the case in the syariah court (meaning non Muslims have legal recourse in the Syariah Courts), procedures however have to be abided and Kaliammal has to engage a syariah lawyer (for your information there are a number of non muslim lawyers who are registered as syariah lawyers).

The onus will then be on the syariah court to examine and verify her claims (including that Moorthy was never a Muslim).

According to Hj Muhammad the problem is non Muslims (aggrieved parties) have the notion that the syariah court being an Islamic court would surely discriminate and deny them their rights - inilah KEADILAN ISLAM yang dituntut bukannya dari the non Muslims tetapi dari badan kehakamian mahkamah syariah itu sendiri.

Dan kita sebagai orang Islam di Malaysia sepatutnya menuntut agar badan kehakiman syariah bertindak demikian malah lebih adil lagi dari mahkamah sivil yang tidak diasaskan pada peraturan Islam!

I appreciate your opinion especially Chez1978 and Amit, for your information I choose to be with PAS as I believe they are genuinely trying to move the nation towards this. And no they do not propose to throw the constitution out of the window (as stated by Chez1978), the Malaysian Constitution insyallah is here to stay, interpretation of the constitution however would be according to the government of the day.

Put it this way, selagi PAS berjuang menurut lunas demokrasi, mereka tertakluk kepada suara rakyat. Even if they rule that the Quran is supreme, that itself has to be done according to the constitution i.e through the various legal processes that we accept and endorse.

For instance we and other proponents of human rights abhor the ISA (detention without trial - where detainees are subjected to mental and physical torture) yet still it is there, why, because the government of the day refuses to repel or amend it!

Back to Moorthys case, the ugly scene at the Forensic Department HKL (on the day of Moorthys death) where all parties were fighting for the rights to the dead body could have been avoided if all parties (including Kaliammal's legal advisers: comprising of DAP lawyers, Non Muslim Religious Associations and friends of the IFC) could sit down and go over the facts amicably.

Sadly it did not happen as parties concerned chosed to be belligerent (some simply wanted to test the waters). Therefore they had to resort to legal recourse, and as JAWI rushed to the Syariah Courts, Kaliammals legal advisers who simply distrusts the syariah courts (without possibly knowing that Kaliammal has her rights there) chose the civil courts. And the rest is academic.

Kesimpulannya saya bersetuju dengan pandangan Hj Muhammad bahawa proses pengislaman Jabatan-jabatan Agama perlu diperbaiki dan diperkemaskan lagi. Begitu juga susulan, bimbingan dan kebajikan saudara baru ini perlulah sentiasa diberi keutamaan. Mengupa himpunkan duit zakat berjuta-juta jika kebajikan mereka seperti Allahyarham ini terabai dan terpaksa melalui pengalaman sedih ini.

Sekian terima kasih

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