Sunday, October 10, 2004

Jeff Ooi dan PAS


Baru saja saya menulis berkenaan betapa PAS walaupun diserang oleh BLOG Jeff Ooi namun tetap pertahankan beliau apabila diserang oleh pihak kerajaan dan suku sakatnya, Alhamdulillah suasana semakin berubah. Hari ini Jeff memberi liputan meluas berhubung Timbalan Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat yang juga ahli EXCO Kelantan Husam Musa.

Saya mengucapkan syabas kepada Husam kerana bersikap terbuka dan proaktif dalam menjalankan kerja-kerja memartabat dan membetulkan imej PAS dikalangan rakyat Malaysia. Pimpinan PAS yang lain perlulah mencontohi langkah ini, jangan duduk dalam kepompong defensif dan terus dibelasah oleh musuh. Saya difahamkan BLOG Jeff akan menerbitkan temuramah eksklusif dengan Husam, syabas Husam sekali lagi.

Berikut disiarkan laporan dalam BLOG tersebut:

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Husam Musa

Last year, I blogged no less than 30 entries on the RM14 billion double-tracking railway project till its indefinite suspension. Husam Musa did his part by dealing with the same subject in the Parliament, with defensible arguments backed up by facts and figures.

Our pace was in sync. We thought we ought to speak up for the good of our country, and not to tolerate the megabuck churners who line their pockets while piling up our foreign debts.
When we met up face-to-face in his hotel room this afternoon, I complained to Husam that he has left a void in the Parliament that PAS must find a replacement soon. He gave his reasons and shared some of the strategies he is currently implementing in Kelantan.

Unlike the neo-conservatives and the spin-doctors in the federal government - who usurp the deep past around
May-13 and ISA to execute their political agenda - Husam gave me the impression that he is not someone who looks into his the rear-view mirror. He talks about present, and future that can be built around it. He breathes my generation.

Watch out for an exclusive interview with Husam in Screenshots. He said the mainstream media is cruel.

Posted October 10, 2004 03:56 PM

Mudah-mudahan Husam akan mengunakan kesempatan ini untuk memberikan gambaran sebenar berkenaan PAS dan Islam kepada Jeff Ooi. Beliau seharusnya diperjelaskan berkenaan peranan ulamak dalam PAS dan betapa hurmatnya ahli-ahli PAS pada pemimpin mereka yang berilmu dan menterjemahkan ilmu tersebut dalam keperibadian mereka.

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