Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Artikel Malaysian Muslims have "no way out" sahih. Baru-baru ini sahabat kita raya2020 mengemukakan satu artikel berkenaan murtad di Malaysia yang disiarkan oleh Washington Post di http://www.washingtontimes.com/world/20040819-111615-8930r.htm Atas desakan sahabat lain saya membuat sedikit kajian. Memang artikel tersebut terbit dalam Washington POst pada 20hb. Ogos 2004.

Penukis artikel tersebut Ioannis Gatsiounis memang adalah korespondan WP untuk rantau ini. Beliau juga adalah penulis untuk Christian Science Monitor.

Petikan dari artikel tersebut yang menggemparkan ramai yang "concerned" adalah:

Yet, despite the obstacles, some Christian proselytizers are busy. The Rev. Kumar — not his real name — recalls the religious police rattling his front gate in the middle of the night. The warning was clear. "But I am not afraid," Mr. Kumar said. "My work is God's will and I have a worthy cause to fight for. [Malays] have a right to find Jesus."

His evangelical church has 12 branches throughout Malaysia and 30 affiliates, and Mr. Kumar estimates that 100 Muslims are converting to Christianity every month in the country. He said there has been a marked increase in interest in the past three years, since the September 11 attacks in the United States. A royal family and the daughter of a former prime minister are among his list of converts.

Christian groups estimate that there are 30,000 Malay converts in the country. Some Muslim groups say the figure is much lower. However, nondenominational observers say most converts live in secrecy for fear of harassment from the government, family and fellow Malays.

Siapakah keluarga di raja dan anak perempuan bekas PM yang telah murtad itu wallahualam saya tidak dapat maklumat (awas kita ada 4 bekas PM ok). Namun artikel ini perlu diketengahkan dan umat Islam perlu tahu berkenaannya. Jangan kita gadaikan maruah dan harga diri Islam setelah 47 tahun merdeka ini.

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