Monday, July 12, 2004

Khairy yang mana satu..................

All most all Sunday papers yesterday carried a one page interview of Khairy Jamaluddin - the contender for UMNO Youth number two post. Minnguan Malaysia ada, Sunday Times ada macam-macam ada. Dah tak ada nama lain dah yang terbit Khairy,Kahiry, Khairy.....

The number one post, Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia looks certain to be won by the incumbent Hishamuddin hands down, tapi yang number two mula-mula nampak nak berentap bila Aziz (adik Kadir Sheikh Fadzil)melepaskan jawatan tersebut atas faktor umur.

Khabarnya ramai dream to give it a shot, Azimi Daimlah, Khir Toyolah dan berbaris lagi aspirant macam calon-calon akademi fantasia.

Tapi bila Khairy Jamaluddin yang mula-mula malu-malu decline, mengesahkan masuk bertanding, habis semua gostan kebelakang.

What I want to highlight in this article is on Khairy's interview in the Sunday Times yesterday

Q : Some people may be supporting you because of your ties to the PM.

A : Firstly, I cannot read what's in people's hearts. I cannot read if they are supporting me only because I am the son-in-law of the PM.
I am taking that support as a trust and I will carry out my duties based on that trust.
Secondly, when I go down to the ground, I do so on my own platform. But there is very little I can do if some people look at me and say "he is the PM's son-in-law". I cant deny the fact that I am his son-in-law.
So if UMNO Youth members ask me what is my strength, I will tell them that my strength is my ideas and work ethic.

Kesian menantu Pak Lah, tak boleh pisahkan diri dari kenyataan demikian. Imagine if Khairy is not the PM's son-in-law......will he be able to go far at 28?

Look at Mukhriz Mahathir anak bekas PM. Those days when his dad was PM he needs no introduction. But nowadays its no more plain sailing. Bertanding Ketua Pemuda Bahagian Kubang Pasu pun kalah....setakat hari ini dah 130 bahagian Pemuda yang bersidang Mukhriz cuma dapat 6 pencalonan untuk jawatan nombor 2 pemuda UMNO berbanding Khairy yang sungguh pun ada perwakilan Pemuda bahagian yang tak pernah kenal beliau pun kini dah dapat 121 pencalonan !

Ada seorang mak cik dari Rembau bagi tahu, Khairy ni batang hidung pun tak pernah nampak di Rembau, tiba-tiba bila kawin anak Pak Lah terus naik..........macam roket.

If he is not the PM's son-in-law, will UMNO members give a damn if Khairy goes down on the ground? The fact is orang UMNO calonkan Khairy sebab Khairy anak Pak Lah FULLSTOP.

So kalau ada bakal-bakal pemimpin yang nak naik mudah dalam hiraki UMNO apa lagi carilah Pak Mentua yang berjawatan tinggi - pasti selamat, lepas tu jangan tunggu lama-lama, kalau dah pencen Pak Mentua, anda pun turut akan dilupakan, jajalah degree ke Masters ke Phd ke, anda sekadar jadi suratkhabar lama macam nasib Mukhriz anak Mahathir. Thats life..........

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