Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Apabila Islam tidak lagi dibela

Lanjutan dari artikel terdahulu berhubung filem “Passion of the Christ”, sebagaimana diduga, kini kita bukan sahaja berhadapan dengan golongan bukan Islam yang tidak faham dan keliru akan tetapi lebih parah lagi turut berhadapan dengan sesama Islam yang turut bersikap demikian.

Ruangan “Letters” dalam akhbar NST hari ini (14 Julai 2004) memuatkan surat bertajuk “Let all watch “The Passion””, dan penulisnya tidak lain dan tidak bukan Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, seorang yang sepatutnyta dikenali sebagai pemikir Islam.

Dr. Chandra menyebut : “All Malaysians should be allowed to see the film The Passion of the Christ. To confine its viewing to only Christians tarnishes the international image of one of the most successful multi-religious nations on earth.”

Kita tidak mahu filem ini ditayangkan kepada masyarakat Islam bukan kerana kita tidak terbuka, tetapi isu disini adalah isu memelihara dan menyelamatkan akidah dan kepercayaan. Filem ini memaparkan Christ mati di palang salib, sedangkan umat Islam menganggap Nabi Isa a.s tidak mati tapi diangkat oleh Allah swt ke langit, yang mati dipalang salib itu bukan Isa a.s

“The slew him not, nor do they crucify him but it was made dubious to them” – An Nisa : 157

Filem ini kalau dibuka untuk tontonan ramai bermakna seluruh masyarakat Islam tua-muda berpeluang menontonnya. Umat Islam yang dalam pengetahuan agama dan yang tidak turut berpeluang menonton.

Kepada Dr Chandra: “I do not know about you Dr. Chandra but how am I to explain to a son who is 9 years old when he sees Christ being crucified as depicted in the film? Would he accept that what he sees is merely from the Christian point of view, or would he quietly rebel inside and accept that possibly what he sees might be the gospel truth?” Films would normally have lasting and strong influence to those who really absorbs them. Cases of children toying with real firearms and acting as superheroes merely to emulate what they see on films and TV have often been reported. I dread to think what impression would be left on my children after viewing the movie.

Mengapa Dr Chandra bersungguh mahu filem ini dipaparkan kepada umum menjadi tanda tanya? Beliau mengatakan melarang filem ini dari ditonton umum menjejaskan imej negara diperingkat antarabangsa sebagai sebuah negara berbilang agama yang contoh. Mana lebih penting, memelihara akidah umat Islam atau mengkayakan taukeh wayang? Membenarkan filem ini ditonton sesama bukan Islam dirasakan sudah cukup memadai dan berpadan.

Inilah padahnya apabila kita gila dengan konsep keterbukaan dan toleransi sehingga tergamak menggadai maruah agama yang tercinta. Pertahankanlah maruah Islam, jangan sampai tergadai!

1 comment:

  1. I think we should stay true to our stance as an Islamic nation. You have good points for not wanting the film to be release here on Malaysian cinema. But it is not the total responsibility of the government to teach children what is right or wrong. Parents are the one responsible for their owns. They choose what their children should and should not watch. If the film is release, it would be the decision of the government and looking at the current political situation, we won't have much to say about it. Never have i seen one man's opinion change the government's decision.

    If the film is available, parents are not oblige to bring their children to watch it, just to show them that this is the Christian depiction of Jesus, or for any reason at all. But at the same time parents can bring their children along to watch, it is totally in their descretion to do so due to the fact that they are the ones who have full and upmost control over their children's well being.

    If it is not release here, people will still be able to get their hands on it. The film is already out there in vcd & dvd format for months now. (thanx to the fact that us being one of the leading nation in video piracy) And after the official dvd release, everyone can easily purchase them from or it might simply be available in our local video store.

    So to me, parents are the ones responsible for their children's movie viewing activities. Also for their grasp in Islamic belief. Not anyone else... but i salute you and i understand that this is your way to protect your children. Keep up the good work on the blog.

